Live the dream in Cozumel Mexico

Welcome to our Blog! After 6 years living the dream on our little carribean island Cozumel, we like to share our experiences with you. Have fun reading and maybe one day we will blow some bubbles together!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Thank you for coming to Cozumel!

After years in the corporate rat race my Mexican husband Ricardo and I decided to emigrate from The Netherlands to the little island of Cozumel to start our own dive shop Dive Choice Mexico. Exactly 3 weeks after we arrived we got hit by the biggest hurricane on the island ever, Wilma.
It took 60 hours for us in a bathroom and 2 weeks our little palapa was flooded and no work for at least 5 months.
After that we got "hit" by the Swine flu which was thousands of miles away and no case on the island at all. The consequence was no tourism for a couple of weeks.
Now currrently we get the bad press about the drug wars, again this is in the border towns thousands of miles away and it affects tourism coming to our little island. The only thing what can happen here is that you strain your ancle over the uneven pavements on the island.
I do not know what external happening, which we have no influence of, will affect our beloved business next, but we see no reason to get out of this paradise and I want to thank all the foreigners who are critical in reading the media and still come to enjoy their holidays in Cozumel Mexico!

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."Mark Twain

Let's blow bubbles together!

Sunny regards from Cozumel
